ACCT Graduate Eymmi's Optimistic Speech

Does Van Nuys ACCT graduate Eymmi L. knows how to deliver a speech or what? Full of hope and optimism in the face of adversity, Eymmi's address to her graduating class is sure to inspire!
Read her speech below:
Hello my name is Eymmi L., and I'm a student from the Van Nuys ACCT, and before we start, I would like to say welcome and thank you to our Teachers, Counselors, Parents, Family, Friends and our emotional supports, thank you so much for being with us all the way to the graduation.
You might not know me, honestly I think that's the least important, I'm just here today to talk about our experience, and we all know that it was a completely new experience for all of us, we have gone through a lot these years. Two years ago we had to learn a new way of living and adapt to new circumstances, but you know what? That didn't stop us.
Not everyone takes the step of finishing or redoing school, we pass through frustration, stress, of course joy and effort, but it is worth all of it. Today we start a new path, where we not only decide what we want to do, more important, we decide who we want to be. And I ask you to please take this opinion into consideration.
Don't be afraid to fail or change your mind, we have a long live to go through, and a lot of decisions to make, but every decision that you do, do it knowing, that whatever is the result, there's always a solution, it may not be the easy way and we may not like it, but it's a solution, there's always more than one option, we just have to be
brave enough to take it.
I want to give a small example, with my experience last year. Last year I struggled not only with my future decisions, I started a war with my mental health, a war with moderate depression, generalized anxiety, panic attack disorder and ADHD, it was a war that I wasn't sure to win. I wasn't sure about the decision I was taking, not on my mentally situation. I had and still have a lot of doubts, but I took the step of working on myself and for myself, I was afraid to fail, but I kept trying everyday, until today. Still that didn't stop me to be who I am today, and I wish the best of the best for everyone, because I know you also worked and keep working hard everyday to do as much as you can do, and that's more than enough.
I may not know what you are going through, but I know that everyone here is a person who is completely dedicated and passionate enough to do their best every day. People who're looking to the future, to make a change in their lives and in the lives of others.
Lastly, I want to thank my grandmother, because thanks to her I am here, of course my family, and I want to dedicate these words to my mom and dad, who held my hand when I felt I couldn't keep going anymore. Our effort and sacrifices are worth it, all of them, we did it, together. Thank you.