United States Department of Energy (DOE) Senior Advisor, Jeff Marootian visited the East Los Angeles Occupational Center campus to meet with members of the Anti-Recidivisim Coalition (ARC) and Los Angeles Unified Adult Education to discuss the Biden-Harris Administration's current policies.
Senior Advisor Marootian and associated team members toured the ELAOC campus and spoke with students of the ARC and Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) pre-apprenticeship program.
To learn more about the ARC MC3 program at ELAOC, please visit: launifiedadult.org/mc3
For more information on ARC, go to: https://antirecidivism.org/
Senior Advisor Marootian and associated team members toured the ELAOC campus and spoke with students of the ARC and Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) pre-apprenticeship program.
To learn more about the ARC MC3 program at ELAOC, please visit: launifiedadult.org/mc3
For more information on ARC, go to: https://antirecidivism.org/