
English as a Second Language (ESL) Pathway Video

Adult Basic Education (ABE) Pathway Video

High School Diploma (HSD) Pathway Video

High School Equivalency (HSE) Pathway Video

Accelerated College & Career Transitions (ACCT) Pathway Video

Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathway Video

Apprenticeship Pathway Video

Citizenship Pathway Video

Pathway Overview

The LAUSD Division of Adult and Career Education has four main programs.

Our Main Programs

 Pathways guide

These programs connect together to form a “pathway.” A pathway is a linked set of programs that guides a student toward a specific goal, like becoming a certified nursing assistant or going to college.

Program Pathway

 Program pathway

Students enter the pathway at different places depending on their needs, their skills, and their educational backgrounds.

Pathway Entrances

 Pathway Entrances

Once they reach their goals, students exit the pathway and move on to careers, college, military service, or further technical training.

Pathways to Success!

 Pathways to success

As you can see, our pathway is designed to meet you where you are and take you where you want to go. Along the way, our helpful counseling staff and highly qualified teachers will be there to support and guide you on your journey to a better life.

Get on the DACE pathway today!

Click here to find a school in your area and make an appointment with a counselor.